
Archiv von Costume Couture Berlin

A Walk Down Memory Lane . . .

California, what a superbly rich and creative time, filled with gratitude, evoking many images of beauty, opulence, diversity, inspiration, hard work and such rewards!

A sneak peek into the various collections created on the Pacific Coast between 1992 and 2007.

A very special thanks in this context goes to my forever cherished and beloved artist friends Lee Brooks & Greg Franke of ALEX & LEE, Jean W. Cacicedo, Jaqueline Lippitz, and Morganne Newson. My best longtime clients David & Carmel Rafael of THE RAFAEL’S, San Francisco and Sandra Sakata of OBIKO in San Francisco, who helped me build my work from the beginning. JOANIE FRANKS from Memphis, ADELAIDE from Chicago, Deirdre Howley from New York and many others. THE GOLDEN DOOR SPA Boutique, San Marcos, for the most wonderful gift of appreciation for a Fashion Show by inviting me for a week of wellness in luxury.

SPECIAL MENTION here for my faithful seamstress Gloria Santa Cruz, Miriam Alfonso’s assistance in the studio, and the best knitter ever, Julia Wright from Salzburg.